Forgot the Potato Chips!

23 09 2007

Colin just got home, he went to the store to get the rest of the supplies needed for tonight’s television extravaganza. . . and he forgot the chips.

I wonder if we could send one of the moggies out to the depaneur like this chap . . . .

Wishful thinking. . . .



111 responses

23 09 2007

How about “Forget” the potato chips. That might be a healthier option.

23 09 2007


Certainly you are correct, but then I’d have no segway to post the gif of the bird going into the store and stealing a bag of crisps. . . .


Chips not needed, video of funny bird. . . .very much needed 🙂

23 09 2007

I hate grammar police. I do not speak well in English that’s why I am really annoyed by them.

23 09 2007

hahah, me too Richmond – but to be fair, I’m big on grammar myself.

I hate ‘ebonics’ and ‘shizzle’ and ‘1337’ – mainly because I never know what anyone is saying.

As for ‘anonymous’ I think they were trying to say I shouldn’t partake in the potato chips at all. . . .which I agree with.

I’ve been saving that little bird gif for months, and finally had a chance to use it 🙂 🙂 🙂

it was all about the bird!


24 09 2007

That video is hilarious.

24 09 2007

I hate people who get picky about the use of language [actually ‘chips’ are French fries – you should call them ‘crisps’] and don’t get me started on ‘healthy options’ or rather the people who bang on about ‘healthy options’. Everything in moderation, including comments [like me for example – I always keep to the point with a ‘live and let live attitude]. OK, I’m going to eat a bowl of ice-cream now, with some lovely broccoli, carrot juice and an enormous piece of pecan pie with maple syrup all blended together to make a smoothy.
And what the heck’s ‘1337’?

24 09 2007


thanks for Stopping by! I love that bird video. . . .in my little ‘achieve’ I have a cat eating corn too. I wonder what ‘Anonymous’ will have to say about that?!?!?

@ DaddyPapersurfer

I agree with the chips and crisps comment, and afterwards I just noticed I used ‘crisps’ in my first comment on this one. . . hahahahhaah

too funny eh?????/

enjoy your broccolli peacan carrot syrup smoothie.


24 09 2007

That bird is just wonderful – I may have to get one so I can train it up! It could save me a fortune! LOL!

25 09 2007

Thank you for the lesson in 1337 speak …… I’m going to stick to rubbish

26 09 2007

oh that bird is so cute !!!! Love the video, it made my day.

29 09 2007

There’s a terrifying flock of mutant seagulls that rule the street I live on (urban but by the coast, so the seagulls get a LOT of people food from the rubbish). They scare the crap out of me cause they’re bloody huge, drop crap-bombs on my car (which sound like stones hitting it) and circle above the street at night like they’re waiting to invade. If they could be trained to do things, the army would never have to recruit humans again.

30 09 2007


Grosss! Glad I don’t live in your neighbourhood. . . heheheheh


Glad it did! Made me giggle too.


Yes, sir. And fluent in rubish you are!

@ Jan

Maybe if you can teach him 21 or texas hold em

1 10 2007
Linky love

No send out the moggies, keep them healthy 🙂

And, worse case: take a potato, cut with a potato peeler in chips sized euhm… chips and fry in a French fries cooker 🙂

Wow, in 1 comment I bashed up the English languege more than I have fingers 🙂

1 10 2007

wHere hAs jOey mOggie gOne?

nO eMo iMages

nO gAggingly cUte kItty pIcs oR vIds

wHat gIves, jOey mOggie?

😉 -gotta make a pest outta myself every now and again. hope all is well with you.

3 10 2007

Where ARE you? *worried*

3 10 2007

Also *worried*. Joey – are you ok?

4 10 2007

kNock, kNock, kNockin’ on jOey’s dOor . . . yOu do nOt want us tO stArt sCreaming rOck bAllads @ yOur w!ndow

4 10 2007
Linky Love


Just switch on your blackberry and type “q” so we know you are still ok!

5 10 2007

or send us chocolate chip cookies if your blackberry has been compromised

5 10 2007

what? i mean, i hope you’re okay and all, but free chocolate chip cookies are free chocolate chip cookies.

5 10 2007

i’m not fueling your blog til you come back

5 10 2007

Has anyone heard anything from her at all? I’m really concerned. 😦

5 10 2007

i’ve not heard a thing. getting a bit worried myself

5 10 2007

I’ve left messages at fuel, asking if she’s ok.

Now that I see none of you have heard from her, I am worried.

Do any of you know how to contact her offline?

7 10 2007
Daddy P

That seagull is looking for you isn’t it?

7 10 2007

I’ve emailed her and received no response. What makes me worry most is that she always tells us when she’s going off, doesn’t she? 😦

7 10 2007

i’ve left a message with her brother in law Paul on his website . . . still waiting to hear back.

7 10 2007
Paul Graham

Hey all, not sure why she hasn’t been replying, but we had thanksgiving dinner together today, so I can assure you that she is alive and well.

7 10 2007

danke Schon, Paul

7 10 2007

hrm . . . to gather the lynch mob or not to gather . . . taht iz teh queshun.

8 10 2007
Jackqueline Lou

Hi Joey,

Came across your site when I searched “top 100 blogs.”

Good work on driving traffic to your site! I’m trying to do the same, but I’m kind of lazy with the blog promotion stuff.

Love the seagull potato chip thief!

Check out my site:


Jackqueline Lou

8 10 2007
Daddy P

Joey – turn it off and turn it on again – stoopid

8 10 2007

I’m all for gathering it. 😀

Mmmm…Thanksgiving dinner….

8 10 2007

Glad to hear she’s ok. I will simply have to come up with a comment so witty and pithy that she just has to reply…

…that grinding sound are the cogs in my head…nope I have nothing.

Come back anyway Joey.

8 10 2007

if only to stop that incessant grinding noise 😉

10 10 2007

Happy birthday Joey !

11 10 2007
Linky love


Maybe you can do another update about Joey ? 🙂

11 10 2007
Lady Luck

Hey Joey,

I think you know you’ve cracked the system when you go missing as a virtually anonymous blogger – and the world and his wife are fretting about you being missing. Brahnamin has ben having kittens about you (moggie joke at the juggler’s expense). There are people in the real world who actually aren’t missed when they go missing for days – which is very sad.

Personally, I hope you’re having a fantastic holiday, your cats are healthy and well – and you come back soon as I enjoy your posts.

12 10 2007

okay, i’m a big boy, but referring to me and sky as *the world and his wife* is a bit excessive jan

13 10 2007

That seagull is really beginning to get on my nerves.

13 10 2007
Lady Luck

Brahnamin – we must stop meeting like this!

13 10 2007

OOO DELIGHTFUL! Oh the things we find to blog about. 🙂
Fun blog… keep havin’ fun!

14 10 2007
Lady Luck

Actually, that feckin seagull is beginning to annoy me now too!

15 10 2007

I’m bringing a shotgun next time.

16 10 2007


16 10 2007

teh c-Gul he laffs @ u

17 10 2007

Gad, he’s a hard one to fell. I’ll bring the up and over tomorrow.

17 10 2007

This smacks of a “I bet you can’t go a month without blogging” argument…

18 10 2007

Double bang and a load “Boo!”

18 10 2007

teh c-Gul he goes back for moah chipz

18 10 2007

@ neil
if you are correct, i hope she pokes her finger with her needlepoint or burns her eyes out watching tv or otherwise self maims and mutilates with whatever hobbies she has set herself for the duration of the bet.

which could make for some interesting posts when she comes back if she’s passing her time in sex and debauchery

sex-related injuries always make for the best stories

on a side note, i wonder how she feels about her blog becoming a message board

i wonder if the bet is just for a month.

could be til christmas

or new years

or until wordpress puts a *preview* option on comments

18 10 2007
Linky Love

These comments are getting more interesting than Joey’s blog alltogether 🙂

18 10 2007

Sometimes I wonder if my husband’s life will ever be complete if joey isn’t in it lol.

Joey, please come back…


18 10 2007

These comments are getting more interesting than Joey’s blog alltogether

ouch. harsh.

nah. i’m just really, really, really bored when you’re not home.

18 10 2007
Linky Love


I was hoping I would get baffeld for my statement in a complete new post from dear Joey, seems my strategy didn’t pay off very well.

Ok, shall we hack the blog all together then?

18 10 2007

*sharpening axe*

18 10 2007
Linky love


Yeah, like that she won’t have any other solution than to update the blog after all 🙂

But I just love how Joey keeps her readers on bay without posting!

19 10 2007

we’re like vermin.

like lice or something.

we stay on munching away – long after the body has begun to decay

19 10 2007

I reckon she’s waiting until there are 100 comments and then she’ll appear in a puff of smoke.

19 10 2007

You’re sitting there laughing aren’t you.

19 10 2007


I am staring at your blog until you come back…

That damn bird is gonna sh*t any day now.

19 10 2007

i just want to forget the potato chips, but they are always there

20 10 2007

If we all sit here, there will be more than bird s**t on the step – naughty.

20 10 2007
Linky Love

Since we have a crowd, why don’t we all head for the kitchen and fry some real chips, at least we keep on topic 🙂

20 10 2007

better yet, why don’t we fry that bird

20 10 2007

for the love of all that’s hairy wet and inviting, can somebody hack joey’s password and post something new?

21 10 2007

Where are you?

21 10 2007

Every day I live in hope that some one has trodden on that bird – and every day some one hasn’t – it’s soooooooooo depressing.

21 10 2007

All kidding aside, has anyone heard anything about her? I’ve sent her a couple of emails checking on her but she has not responded. Anyone, anything at all?

21 10 2007

This will change your life.
The day will not be the same.

21 10 2007

nope. if she comes back before may she stays on my blogroll. otherwise i’m having the state declare neglect and force a divorce

22 10 2007

still staring


22 10 2007

Funny bird Joey.

Get back soon.

23 10 2007

Tomorrow is a month since this was posted…


23 10 2007
Linky Love

Scratch, scratch, lick, lick

It’s cats on tuesdays, so I post a comment on moggies topic 🙂

24 10 2007
Linky Love

Now if I was Joey, what would I blog about today? The bird is getting quite “used up” and the potatochips are long since gone. The moggies seem quite well fed though, and I wonder if that’s a coincidence.

Oh well, might as well sit back and relax, who knows those comment stalkers leave another comment and keep my blog alive.

Live is great, let alone easy!

25 10 2007
Linky Love

Look at this, this comment just appears out of the blue, or is it gray?

How lovely it would be if the same would happen with a complete post on Joey’s blog?

Magic does happen you know, if you hack try long enough…

26 10 2007

somebody email me when she gets back. i’m tired of coming over and checking and disgusted at myself for providing traffic to a dead site

26 10 2007

Don’t worry hun, I am watching, staring, for you.


28 10 2007

I’m off on my holidays now – byeeee Joey Spectre. I wonder if you’ll be here on my return.

31 10 2007


1 11 2007

Well looks like my theory was a bust and the moggie really has left the building.

Joey – you know where I am, let me know if you come back.


5 11 2007

Hello? Anybody there?!?

16 11 2007

Hi sorry I am a little off topic here, I would just like to remind you to email us your shipping address as well as your size for your SnorgTee-shirt. ( you were one of the 100 blogs most voted for the month of october.)

Many thanks


18 11 2007


that is kinda funny considering she wasn’t even BLOGGING in October…

26 11 2007
Linky love

Ok, as if we will get booted if we are off topic 🙂

These potatoes are long gone already… see, next time eat healthy food if you want to continue blogging…

29 11 2007

Hi Skywindows.

Joey was on the list of people I voted for every day in October. The bottom of the top 100 list had people on it with only about 30 votes. I know for sure that there are a couple of people that got shirts because I dang well voted for them every day.

I’m sure Joey had other votes too… but I kept voting for her because I thought she’d come back. I wanted her to get a shirt because I thought she’d want one.

I have no idea where she is though.

7 12 2007

this site ausome

11 12 2007

Had some thoughts about this a couple of weeks ago, always i tend to forget things like this.

13 12 2007
Linky love

The snorgtees T-shirts are only shipped out now Kevin says…

Would be great seeing Joey receiving one and then seeing Joey back here as well!!!!!

17 12 2007

Anyway I’ve been on holiday, invented whole new worlds, written three sonnets and a ‘busting’ film script, fathered 12 children [and brought them up], broke my leg on three different occasions and broken wind once – how you doin?

21 12 2007


You Have Been Tagged by Tiff

24 12 2007

Merry Christmas Joey. where ever you went.

25 12 2007

Time/space anomaly Festive Greetings from the other side …… I am a space signal, looking for life ………. no luck yet though

14 01 2008
Mark Steel


14 01 2008

Simon Rattle – the conductor – took two years off music to see if he was interested in anything else. He came back.

20 01 2008
Linky love

Maybe she is waiting until there are 100 comments? Well, almost there 🙂

23 01 2008

Won’t be long now …….. I wonder if I’ll live that long?

23 01 2008

How many’s that? …….. I’ve lost track

23 01 2008

Only one more to go ……. tee hee

23 01 2008

Dammit! – missed it!!

23 01 2008

I’m going to hide in here …….. and then shout ‘boo!!!!!’ when she gets back – don’t say a word …….. shussssssh …………

23 01 2008

Tag you’re it: In the hope of getting you (Joey) to post and because I liked your posts back in the day I have nominated you for a roar for powerful words award. Check it out here.

23 01 2008

Nominated means given in this context, curse that second glass of squash.

23 01 2008
Mark Steel


22 02 2008

Joey, we miss you.

2 03 2008

See Here

7 03 2008

Any one got any crisps? – I’m getting a tad peckish.

15 03 2008

Send in a picture of your cat WITH YOUR THUMB showing somewhere in the picture. I have small contest and you can win cash money. I run one every month and if you send your picture you will be automatically entered in EVERY single tournament/contests at After you send your picture you don’t even have to visit my site. I will notify you by email if you won. So hurry and send your picture to [B][/B].:)

22 03 2008

I’ve now poisoned the crisps – the seagull should collapse any minute.

26 03 2008
Linky love

Seems your poison is quite outdated DaddyP… The bird is still going strong

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